Flame Retardant Knit Shirt is crafted with a strict sew, collar, cuffs, hem, pockets and clothes, seams and buttons and buttonholes. Quality-driven finishing steps such as reinforcement buttons, cover seams, seam-by-slot inspection, steam, etc. are also taken. Once the shirt is guaranteed to meet our quality standards, it will be delivered to the customer. In order to maintain a strict quality assurance process, proper clothing labeling and tracking is very important. Although you may have realized that FR garments have arc ratings, CAT grades, and information printed on the label with test standards, there are also labels that represent the exact fabric roll of the shirt. Therefore, information such as the size of the garment and the batch of the fabric must be accurately maintained throughout the manufacture of the shirt and will be explained before the next step begins. Most importantly, every contributor to the manufacturing process is committed to producing high quality
Flame Retardant work Henley Shirt, ensuring that you can work safely and go home every night. Interested in getting your workers to put on flame retardant clothing made by xinke protective? Please contact us immediately.